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Ovarian fibroma: our experience of 34 cases

  • G. Gargano1,*,
  • M. De Lena2
  • F. Zito3
  • G. Fanizza4
  • V. Mattioli5
  • F. Schittulli6

1Doctor in charge of Diagnostic and Operative Echography, Oncologic Gynaecology, Italy

2Scienifc Director, Italy

3Doctor in charge of Histology, Pathological Anatomy, Italy

4Director of Oncologic Gynaecology, Italy

5Director of Critical Area Department, Italy

6Director of Women's Department, Oncology Institute of Bari, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200305429 Vol.24,Issue 5,September 2003 pp.429-432

Published: 10 September 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): G. Gargano E-mail:


Thirty-four cases of ovarian fibroma are reported. The early symptoms were pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding. All patients were in advanced menopause, mean age 63, except for one that was normally menstruatuating and was 23 years old. In all cases an ultrasound scan TV/TA and CA 125 tests were performed, and afterwards all patients were treated with either conservative or radical surgery. In addition to the above examinations, color Doppler tests on pelvic vessels were performed in 18 cases.


Ovarian fibroma; Fibroma with minor sex-cord elements

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G. Gargano,M. De Lena,F. Zito,G. Fanizza,V. Mattioli,F. Schittulli. Ovarian fibroma: our experience of 34 cases. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2003. 24(5);429-432.


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