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Development of an evidence-based algorithm for the management of cervical cancer

  • M. C. Shaw1
  • C. D. A. Wolfe1,*,
  • O. Devaja2
  • K. S. Raju2

1Department of Public Health Medicine, The Guy's, King's College and St Thomas'Hospitals Schools of Medicine Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, UK

2Department of Gynaecological Oncology Guy's and St Thomas'Hospital, London, UK

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200305365 Vol.24,Issue 5,September 2003 pp.365-372

Published: 10 September 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): C. D. A. Wolfe E-mail:


Objective: To develop a description of the management of cervical cancer to support locally developed, regional guidelines and to identify the level of primary research evidence to support it.

Design: Development of a flow-charted algorithm, using regional guidelines and clinician consensus. A Medline literature search for primary research was done to validate the algorithm and selection of papers, to verify if they were valid according to pre-defined criteria and to compare algorithm management with an alternative.

Main outcome measure: The highest level of evidence for algorithm management was based on the design of the supporting research.

Results: Twenty percent of the algorithm is supported by level I evidence (randomised controlled trials), 70% by level II evidence (cohort studies) and 10% by level IV evidence (expert opinion or case series). Level II evidence supports the management of Stage Ia, squamous cell carcinoma by cone biopsy or a simple hysterectomy. This level of evidence also applies to research on the management of Stages Ib-IIa, by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy followed by radiotherapy, if the lymph nodes are positive. Radiotherapy to treat Stages IIb-IV cervical cancer is supported by level I evidence. The management of Stage I adenocarcinoma is supported by level II evidence.

Conclusions: Evaluations of the effect of informing clinicians of the strengths of the proposed management are now required, as constructing evidence-based algorithms is worthwhile, only if they are likely to affect clinical practice.


Cervical cancer; Clinical algorithm; Evidence-based medicine

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M. C. Shaw,C. D. A. Wolfe,O. Devaja,K. S. Raju. Development of an evidence-based algorithm for the management of cervical cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2003. 24(5);365-372.


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