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Hysteroscopy in cases of cervical polyps

  • B. Spiewankiewicz1,*,
  • J. Stelmachow1
  • W. Sawicki1
  • K. Cendrowski1
  • R. Kuilik1

1Chair and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2rd Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20030167 Vol.24,Issue 1,January 2003 pp.67-69

Published: 10 January 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): B. Spiewankiewicz E-mail:


To assess the usefulness of hysteroscopy in cases of cervical polyps, we studied 78 patients with a lesion found during a routine gynecological examination. All women were referred for diagnostic hysteroscopy followed by endoscopic polypectomy. In 83.3% of the cases intrauterine investigation confirmed primary diagnosis - a polyp peduncle in the cervical canal. Sixty-five of those lesions were the only pathologic condition, and six (7.7%) were associated with an endometrial polyp. In the remaining 16.7% of examined patients, primary polyps identified as cervical polyps appeared to be endometrial. All women admitted to the study were successfully treated by hysteroscopy. Our results suggest that endoscopic evaluation of the uterine cavity in women with cervical polyps can clarify the initial diagnosis. Hysteroscopy allows not only a precise visualisation of the polyp peduncle but also gives the possibility to identify and treat concurrent asymptomatic intrauterine pathological conditions.


Cervical polyps; Endometrial polyps; Hysteroscopy

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B. Spiewankiewicz,J. Stelmachow,W. Sawicki,K. Cendrowski,R. Kuilik. Hysteroscopy in cases of cervical polyps. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2003. 24(1);67-69.


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