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The effect of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis on serum CA-125 levels

  • C. Camci1,*,
  • S. Bilyilkberber1
  • M. Tarakcioglu2
  • S. M. Adam3
  • C. Camci4
  • H. M. T iirk1
  • N. Biiyilkberber5
  • 0. Balat6

1Gaziantep University, Medical Faculty, Departments of Oncology, Turkey

2Gaziantep University, Biochemistry, Turkey

3Gaziantep University, Clinics of Nephrology,Turkey

4Gaziantep University, Cell Biology, Turkey

5Gaziantep University, Gynecologic Oncology Gaziantep, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200205472 Vol.23,Issue 5,September 2002 pp.472-474

Published: 10 September 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): C. Camci E-mail:


Malignant and non-malignant serosal fluids were found to be associated with high serum levels of CA-125, suggesting that the presence of fluid in the serosal cavities may stimulate its release. In this study, we investigated the relationship between serum CA-125 levels and peritoneal irritation during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). We performed a clinical study in 24 stable patients (15 amenstrual females and 9 males), aged 46 +/- 14 years on CAPD. The control group consisted of 32 healthy volunteers (20 females, 12 males) aged 44 +/- 12 years. CA-125 levels were determined prior to the CAPD dwell (without dialysate in abdomen) and during the CAPD dwell (dialysate in abdomen 4 hours after). As a result, serum CA-125 levels were found to be 14.86 +/- 5.98 U/ml and 15.23 +/- 6.05 U/ml respectively, whereas it was 8.32 +/- 5.54 U/ml in the control group. Serum CA-125 levels were found to be significantly elevated in CAPD patients when compared with healthy volunteers. However, serum CA-125 levels detected prior to and after CAPD did not differ between the groups. Interestingly, all of the patients in our study group were detected to have normal serum CA-125 levels (< 35 U/ml). We concluded that CAPD-induced abdominal artificial ascites did not affect serum levels of CA-125. Moreover, short and non-inflammatory mechanical pressures in the CAPD procedure do not have any effect on serum CA-125 levels.


Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; CA-125

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C. Camci,S. Bilyilkberber,M. Tarakcioglu,S. M. Adam,C. Camci,H. M. T iirk,N. Biiyilkberber,0. Balat. The effect of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis on serum CA-125 levels. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(5);472-474.


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