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Endometriosis causing extensive intestinal obstruction simulating carcinoma of the sigmoid colon: a case report and review of the literature

  • M. Varras1,*,
  • E. Kostopanagiotou2
  • K. Katis2
  • Ch. Farantos2
  • Z. Angelidou-Manika3
  • S. Antoniou1

1Department of Gynaecology, Greece

2First Department of General Surgery, Greece

3Department of Pathology, "George Gennimatas" General State Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200204353 Vol.23,Issue 4,July 2002 pp.353-357

Published: 10 July 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): M. Varras E-mail:


Endometriosis with intestinal serosal involvement is not uncommon in women of childbearing age, however, presentation as colon obstruction is rare. Lack of pathognomonic symptoms makes diagnosis difficult, the main problem being differential diagnosis with neoplasm, even intraoperatively. Reported here is a case of extensive bowel obstruction due to sigmoid colon endometriosis in a 43-year-old woman who presented with signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction. Barium enema showed sigmoid obstruction; subsequent exploratory laparotomy showed the sigmoid colon surrounded by fibrous tissue, leading to its angulation and extensive lumen obstruction. Left oophorectomy and radical resection of descending and sigmoid colon as for bowel carcinoma were successfully employed. Pathological examination revealed endometriosis in the bowel wall with preservation of the mucosa. Aetiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and therapeutic options for intestinal obstruction due to endometriosis are discussed.


Endometriosis; Gastrointestinal tract; Bowel endometriosis; Intestinal obstruction; Bowel carcinoma

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M. Varras,E. Kostopanagiotou,K. Katis,Ch. Farantos,Z. Angelidou-Manika,S. Antoniou. Endometriosis causing extensive intestinal obstruction simulating carcinoma of the sigmoid colon: a case report and review of the literature . European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(4);353-357.


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