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Surgical management of early stage cervical cancer: Ten years experience from one Greek health region

  • E. Paraskevaidis1,*,
  • S. N. Kalantaridou1
  • A. Kaponis1
  • S. Chouliara1
  • N. J. Agnantis2
  • V. Dousias1
  • K. Zikopoulos1
  • M. Paschopoulos1
  • P. Stamatopoulos3
  • D. E. Lolis1

1Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Greece

2Department of Pathology, University· Hospital, loanmna, Greece

3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200204341 Vol.23,Issue 4,July 2002 pp.341-344

Published: 10 July 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): E. Paraskevaidis E-mail:


Purpose of investigation: Cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy in women, in both incidence and mortality. In the present study, we report our results of treating 93 consecutive patients with early invasive cervical cancers (Stages I-IIA).

Methods: The patients of this study comprised all women recognized with stage I-IIA cervical cancer during 1991-2000. Patients with stage IA1 cervical cancer without lymphvascular space involvement underwent either conservative management by means of large loop conization or simple hysterectomy. The remaining patients underwent radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy or radiation therapy. Mean (+/- SD) duration of follow-up was 6 (+/- 1.7) years.

Results: The mean (+/- SD) age of patients with stage I-IIA cervical cancer was 41.3 (+/- 9.1) year. Thirty-five patients with stage [A1 disease were managed conservatively with loop excision and 19 patients subsequently became pregnant. Fifty-two patients with stage IA2, IB and IIA cervical carcinoma underwent radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy.

Conclusion: Young women with stage IA1 cervical carcinoma wishing future fertility who undergo loop excision have a 100% cure rate. Women with stage IA2, IB, and IIA cervical cancer should undergo radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy or radiation therapy.


Cervical cancer; Microinvasion; Loop conization; Fert山ty; Radical hysterectomy; Lymphadenectomy

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E. Paraskevaidis,S. N. Kalantaridou,A. Kaponis,S. Chouliara,N. J. Agnantis,V. Dousias,K. Zikopoulos,M. Paschopoulos,P. Stamatopoulos,D. E. Lolis. Surgical management of early stage cervical cancer: Ten years experience from one Greek health region. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(4);341-344.


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