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Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors: the KK Hospital Experience

  • C. Khi1,*,
  • J. J. H. Low1
  • E. H. Tay1
  • S. H. Chew2
  • T. H. Ho1

1Gynaecological Oncology Unit, Singapore

2Department of Histopathology, KK Womens and Children's Hrnpital, Singapore

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200203251 Vol.23,Issue 3,May 2002 pp.251-256

Published: 10 May 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): C. Khi E-mail:


Ovarian germ cell malignancies pose a therapeutic challenge especially amongst young patients. This is a retrospective review of 49 patients treated for such malignancies at KK Women's and Children's Hospital over a 13-year period. The relative proportion of such tumors was 6.2%. Age at presentation ranged from 14 to 51 years (mean 25.4 years). Forty-nine percent of tumors were immature teratomas and 81.6% had stage I disease. All patients had surgery initially and 67.3% required postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. The patients were followed-up for one to 145 months (mean 51.6 months). All the 87.8% of patients on follow-up are alive and disease-free. There was one recurrence. Five patients had eight successful pregnancies, with no congenital anomalies. Mean duration when menstruation was resumed and regular was 2.5 and 3.5 months, respectively. With combination chemotherapy and conservative surgery, the outlook for patients is excellent, with emphasis on preservation of ovarian function and fertility.


Germ cell tumor; Germ cell malignancy; Ovarian germ cell; Malignant ovarian germ cell tumor; Fertility sparing surgery; Menstrual function

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C. Khi,J. J. H. Low,E. H. Tay,S. H. Chew,T. H. Ho. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors: the KK Hospital Experience. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(3);251-256.


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