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The significance of local cellular immune response of women 50 years of age and younger with endometrial carcinoma

  • E. Dundar1,*,
  • N. Tel1
  • S.S. Ozalp2
  • S. Isiksoy1
  • S. Kabukcuoglu1
  • C. Bal3

1Department of Pathology, Turkey

2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology Unit, Turkey

3Department of Biostatistics, Osmangazi University Facully of Medicine, Eskisehir, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200203243 Vol.23,Issue 3,May 2002 pp.243-246

Published: 10 May 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): E. Dundar E-mail:


Objective: Local cellular immune response and traditional histopathologic parameters in endometrial carcinoma patients 50 years old and younger were compared with those of patients older than 50 years of age.

Materials and methods: We retrospectively compared the clinicopathologic factors and outcomes of 24 younger and 82 older women who were operated on for endometrioid type endometrial carcinoma at our institution.

Results: No significant difference was determined in survival with respect to age and menopausal status in patients with endometrial carcinoma. Younger and older age groups had a similar distribution of most pathologic features including myometrial invasion, cervical involvement, lymph node metastasis, vascular invasion, perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. While older women had higher-grade tumors, younger women had more frequent ovarian metastasis. Tumor infilrating lymphocytes were seen more frequently in the postmenopausal group than those of the premenopausal group.

Conclusion: The distribution of local cellular immune response, most histopathologic parameters and survival were the same for younger and older women.


Endometrial carcinoma; Age; Menopausal status; Local cellular immune response; Traditional histopathologic parameters

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E. Dundar,N. Tel,S.S. Ozalp,S. Isiksoy,S. Kabukcuoglu,C. Bal. The significance of local cellular immune response of women 50 years of age and younger with endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(3);243-246.


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