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Different types of hysterectomy in the radio-surgical treatment of early cervical cancer (FIGO lb-Ila)

  • P. Zola1,*,
  • A. Ferrero1
  • L. Fuso1
  • M. E. Jacomuzzi1
  • A. Magistris1
  • P. Spanu1
  • S. Mazzola1
  • G. Sinistrero2
  • P. Sismondi1

1Gynecological Oncology Department, University of Turin, Mauriziano Umberto I Hospital Institute for Research and Treatment of Cancer (IRCC) Candiolo, Italy

2Arturo Pinna Pintor Foundation, Turin, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200203236 Vol.23,Issue 3,May 2002 pp.236-242

Published: 10 May 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): P. Zola E-mail:


Purpose of investigation: Surgery and radiotherapy achieved equivalent results for FIGO stages Ib-IIa invasive cervical carcinoma. The integration of radiotherapy and surgery provided the same results for a selected series of patients without increasing the rate of complications. The aim of the study was to verify if, applying a radio-surgical protocol, the reduction of the surgery extension on the parametrium in one of two consecutive series might achieve the same results in terms of survival and recurrence rates with fewer complications.

Material and methods: We analysed actuarial survival (with >10-year follow-up), local control rates and morbidity of 390 patients who had different the kinds of surgery applied in the radio-surgical treatment protocol: Protocol A: brachytherapy plus type III radical hysterectomy vs Protocol B: brachytherapy plus type II radical hysterectomy. Patients were all included in an analysis of complications according to the French-Italian glossary.

Results: Analyses showed no differences in terms of survival, patterns of recurrences and onset time within the two protocols. Urinary complications were more frequent and severe in protocol A vs protocol B (G2: 26.5% vs. 6.1%; G3: 5.3% vs. 3.6%).

Conclusion: Our study pointed out that the reduction of the surgery extension allowed the same overall survival and relapses with fewer complications particularly in terms of grade of severity.


Cervical cancer; Surgery; Radiotherapy; Glossary of complications

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P. Zola,A. Ferrero,L. Fuso,M. E. Jacomuzzi,A. Magistris,P. Spanu,S. Mazzola,G. Sinistrero,P. Sismondi. Different types of hysterectomy in the radio-surgical treatment of early cervical cancer (FIGO lb-Ila) . European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(3);236-242.


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