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Sclerosis of gross cysts of the breast: a three-year study

  • C. GOMES1,*,
  • N. Amaral1
  • C. Marques1
  • R. Borralho1
  • C. F. de Oliveira1

1Department of Gynaecology, University ofCoimbra Hospital, Portugal

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200203191 Vol.23,Issue 3,May 2002 pp.191-194

Published: 10 May 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): C. GOMES E-mail:


Breast cysts can be separated into two types: Type I cyst with a lining epithelium which shows apocrine metaplasia, and Type II cyst with an epithelium which is markedly attenuated or absent. The risk of subsequent breast cancer among patients with Type I cysts can be up to 4. The standard treatment is fine needle aspiration, but 20% of the cysts recur. Pharmacological treatment has been tried, which reduces size and volume, but has side-effects and a high recurrence rate post-treatment occurs. The objectives of this prospective study were to sclerose the cyst, induce its regression and prevent or reduce recurrence rate, with the administration of a sclerosing solution (Sclerovein) within the cyst post-aspiration. Fifty-seven patients were followed in the study, 37 with Type I cysts and 20 with Type II cysts. At the end of six months all patients with Type II cysts had no detectable cyst. On the other hand, two patients still had a residual Type I cyst. At the end of three years our recurrence rate appears to be less than 2%, with one patient with a possible recurrence. No significant side-effects were observed. The use of Sclerovein is a simple and safe alternative in the treatment of recurring cysts.


Gross cysts; Cysts, Breast, Sclerosis; Fine needle aspiration

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C. GOMES,N. Amaral,C. Marques,R. Borralho,C. F. de Oliveira. Sclerosis of gross cysts of the breast: a three-year study. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(3);191-194.


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