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Utility of bipolar electrocautery scissors for cervical conization

  • P. L. Cherchi1
  • G. Capobianco2
  • G.Ambrosini2
  • G. M. Fadda2
  • M. D. Piga3
  • A. M. Canetto2
  • G. Rubattu2
  • S. Dessole4,*,

1Prof of Gynaecol. Oneal., Italy

2Research Fellow, Italy

3Midwife, Italy

4Prof of Gynaecol. and Obstet. Department of Pharmacology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of Sassari, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200202154 Vol.23,Issue 2,March 2002 pp.154-156

Published: 10 March 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): S. Dessole E-mail:


Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of bipolar electrocautery scissors for cervical conization.

Methods and materials: Forty patients with severe dysplasia/in situ carcinoma of the uterine cervix underwent cervical conization: 20 randomly selected patients were operated on with the unipolar energy scalpel and the other 20 were operated on with bipolar electrocautery scissors. In both groups operating time, number of ligations, blood loss, duration of recovery, perioperative complications and adequacy of the margins of the lesion were assessed. Data were compared by analysis of variance.

Results: In the bipolar group the average operating time and duration of recovery were significantly reduced (halved), no ligations were needed and the amount of blood loss was significantly reduced. Regarding perioperative complications, in the bipolar group there were no hemorrhages nor need of a second operation or transfusion. Infections did not occur in either group. We found no difference between the two groups regarding adequacy of the margins of the lesion for a good pathologic examination.

Conclusion: Bipolar electrocautery scissors were safe and useful in cervical conization by reducing the operating time and blood loss without increasing postoperative morbidity.


Bipolar electrocautery scissors; Cervical conization

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P. L. Cherchi,G. Capobianco,G.Ambrosini,G. M. Fadda,M. D. Piga,A. M. Canetto,G. Rubattu,S. Dessole. Utility of bipolar electrocautery scissors for cervical conization. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(2);154-156.


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