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Intraperitoneal cancer spread after laparoscopic cystectomy for mature teratoma with malignant transformation

  • P.H. Wang1,*,
  • M. S. Yen1
  • C. M. Juang1
  • Y.J. Chen1
  • H.T. Chao1
  • C. C. Yuan1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200202131 Vol.23,Issue 2,March 2002 pp.131-132

Published: 10 March 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): P.H. Wang E-mail:


Laparoscopic surgery for ovarian dermoid cysts has been accepted. However, its potential limitations should be considered, including technique difficulty, intraoperative tumor spillage and malignant transformation. We report a case of ovarian dermoid cysts with malignant transformation that was initially treated using laparoscopic cystectomy, but was complicated by intraperitoneal tumor dissemination.


Dermoid cyst; Laparoscopic surgery; Malignant transformation

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P.H. Wang,M. S. Yen,C. M. Juang,Y.J. Chen,H.T. Chao,C. C. Yuan. Intraperitoneal cancer spread after laparoscopic cystectomy for mature teratoma with malignant transformation. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(2);131-132.


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