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Both TPA and SCC-Ag levels are prognostic even in high-risk stage lb-Ila cervical carcinoma as determined by a stratification analysis

  • C. C. Yuan1,*,
  • P. H. Wang1
  • H. T. Ng1
  • L. C. Tsai1
  • C. M. Juang1
  • L. M. Chiu1

1Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecolog,Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Yang-Ming University School cl Medicine, Taipei,Taiwan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20020117 Vol.23,Issue 1,January 2002 pp.17-20

Published: 10 January 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): C. C. Yuan E-mail:


Objective: To determine the prognostic values of tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA), squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC-Ag), and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in the sera of cervical carcinoma patients, especially in those with a poor prognosis.

Methods: In this retrospective study, the preoperative serum SCC-Ag, TPA, and CEA were analyzed in 779 patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma of stage Ib-IIa who received radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection (RAH-PLND) between 1984 and 1994.

Results: Due to poor predictive value and poor correlation between serum CEA and clinico-pathological factors, CEA was abandoned in this study. Elevated TPA and SCC-Ag levels, pelvic lymph node metastasis (PLNM), lymphvascular space involvement (LVSI) and deep stromal invasion (DSI) were associated with poor survival time by univariate analysis. The correlation study showed that elevated serum TPA was significantly related to PLNM, LVSI, and DSI (p = 0.004, 0.008, and 0.021, respectively), and SCC-Ag was related to PLNM and bulky tumor size (p = 0.001 and 0.02, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, only PLNM and LVSI remained independently significant indicating poor survival. Further stratification studies by PLNM and LVSI showed that elevated TPA levels could even indicate higher recurrence rates in patients with PLNM (p = 0.045), as well as SCC-Ag in patients with LVSI (p = 0.038).

Conclusions: The results suggest that both elevated TPA and SCC-Ag levels depicting poor prognosis in stage Ib-IIa cervical SCC, especially indicates a group of high-risk patients who may need more aggressive therapy.


Squamous cell carcinoma antigen; Tissue polypeptide antigen; Stage IB-IIA cervical carcinoma

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C. C. Yuan,P. H. Wang,H. T. Ng,L. C. Tsai,C. M. Juang,L. M. Chiu. Both TPA and SCC-Ag levels are prognostic even in high-risk stage lb-Ila cervical carcinoma as determined by a stratification analysis. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(1);17-20.


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