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Reproductive tract pathology in asymptomatic women treated with tamoxifen

  • K. Yiice1,*,
  • Z. S. Tuncer1
  • C. Onciiloglu1
  • A. Ayhan1
  • E. Baltali2
  • N. Giiler2

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Turkey

2Department of Medical Oncology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200106466 Vol.22,Issue 6,November 2001 pp.466-468

Published: 10 November 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): K. Yiice E-mail:


Purpose: To determine the long-term effects of tamoxifen on the female reproductive tract in patients with breast cancer.

Methods: Forty-nine patients with breast cancer receiving tamoxifen longer than two years were analyzed. All the patients underwent pelvic examination, pap smear, transvaginal ultrasonography, serum CA 125 and dilatation and curettage.

Results: There were 16 patients with genital system pathology. Three of them had atypical Pap smears, one with cervical carcinoma and the other two with chronic cervicitis. Two significant ovarian pathologies were found. These were ovarian fibroma, and unilateral dermoid cyst. There were three patients with endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. Uterine myoma was encountered in seven of the cases. Only one patient had elevated CA 125 levels despite normal genital examination findings.

Conclusion: Since no significant genital pathology attributable to tamoxifen therapy could be detected, the follow-up for gynecologic pathologies in breast cancer patients receiving tamoxifen therapy may be individualized.


Tamoxifen; Breast cancer; Endometrial hyperplasia

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K. Yiice,Z. S. Tuncer,C. Onciiloglu,A. Ayhan,E. Baltali,N. Giiler. Reproductive tract pathology in asymptomatic women treated with tamoxifen. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(6);466-468.


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