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Prognostic value of p53, c-erb-B2 and MIB-1 in endometrial carcinoma

  • P. L. Cherchi1
  • V. Marras2
  • G. Capobianco1
  • G. Ambrosini1
  • M. D. Piga1
  • G. M. Fadda1
  • N. Rosas1
  • S. Dessole1,*,

1Department of Phannacology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Italy

2Institute of Pathology University of Sassari, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200106451 Vol.22,Issue 6,November 2001 pp.451-453

Published: 10 November 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): S. Dessole E-mail:


Objective: To assess the immunohistochemical expression of p53 protein, a tumour suppressor gene of the oncogene c-erb-B2 and MIB-1 proliferation marker (Ki-67 antigen) in endometrial carcinoma.

Methods: We studied 29 cases of endometrial carcinoma in which the p53, c-erb-B2 and MIB-1/Ki-67 antigens were investigated by an immunohistochemical method. We evaluated the correlations among the immunohistochemical positivity and the grading, depth of myometrial invasion, stage of the neoplasia and follow-up.

Results: Both p53 and c-erb-B2 were positive in 16 out of 29 cases (55.2%), whereas MIB-1 was positive in 19 out of 29 cases (65.5%). All these three antigens showed a positive correlation with the grading, myometrial invasion and FIGO stage. Regarding follow-up, p53, c-erb-B2 and MIB-1 were, respectively, positive in 100%, 83.4% and 66.7% of neoplasias of patients who died of disease whereas they were positive in 40%, 40% and 60%, respectively, of tumours of patients with no evidence of disease.

Conclusion: The overexpression of p53, c-erb-B2 and MIB-1 seem to indicate a more malignant tumour phenotype.


Endometrial carcinoma; p53 tumour suppressor gene; c-erb-82; MIB-1 proliferation marker (Ki-67 antigen)

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P. L. Cherchi,V. Marras,G. Capobianco,G. Ambrosini,M. D. Piga,G. M. Fadda,N. Rosas,S. Dessole. Prognostic value of p53, c-erb-B2 and MIB-1 in endometrial carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(6);451-453.


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