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Piver's radical hysterectomy (type III): Endo-Gia 30 stapler versus traditional forcipressure for resection of the cardinal ligament

  • P. Scollo1,*,
  • G. Scibilia1
  • F. Nocera1
  • R. Ruggeri1
  • S. Caudullo1

1Department of Obstetric-Gynecology, Cannizzaro Hospital, Catania, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200106423 Vol.22,Issue 6,November 2001 pp.423-426

Published: 10 November 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): P. Scollo E-mail:


Objective: Morbidity and costs associated with Piver's radical hysterectomy (type III) are noteworthy. The Endo-Gia stapler method for resection of cardinal ligaments can reduce duration of surgery and hospitalization, blood loss, costs and postoperative infection rates.

Method: Two groups of patients (homogeneous for age, weight and medical condition) were studied: one group was operated on using the Endo-Gia stapler method (n=52) and the other with the traditional forcipressure (n=13). The size of parametrial tissue removed, blood loss, duration of surgery, duration of hospitalization, cost of materials and postoperative fever were compared in the two groups.

Result: Mean operative times were lower in the Endo-Stapler group than in the controls (mean 180 min versus 220 min). Mean blood loss was 300 cc in the stapler group versus 450 cc in the forcipressure group. Mean cost of surgery (considering costs of materials, hospital stay. duration of surgery), was lower in the stapler group (3,095 euros) than in the group who underwent traditional surgery (3,434 euros).

Conclusion: Our data suggest the Endo-Gia stapler method significantly reduces blood loss, operative time and cost.


Cervical carcinoma, Endo-Gia stapler; Radical hysterectomy

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P. Scollo,G. Scibilia,F. Nocera,R. Ruggeri,S. Caudullo. Piver's radical hysterectomy (type III): Endo-Gia 30 stapler versus traditional forcipressure for resection of the cardinal ligament. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(6);423-426.


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