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Minor prognostic factors in squamous cell vulvar carcinoma

  • J. R. Kouvaris1,*,
  • V. E. Kouloulias1
  • C. D. Loghis2
  • E. J. Balafouta1
  • A. C. Miliadou1
  • L. J. Vlahos1

1Department of Radiology-Radiotherapy, Aretaieion Hospital, University of Athens, Greece

22nd Obstetrics-Gynecologic Clinic, Aretaieion Hospital, University of Athens, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200104305 Vol.22,Issue 4,July 2001 pp.305-308

Published: 10 July 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): J. R. Kouvaris E-mail:


Purpose of the study: To evaluate minor prognostic factors in a patient population with squamous cell vulvar carcinoma, with particular attention to age, smoking, obesity and parity.

Methods: A total of 50 women with invasive squamous cell vulvar carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed. Factors assessed for prognostic value included age, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, smoking and parity.

Results: The log-rank test and the univariate regression analysis revealed that all factors decreased the overall survival. In the multivariate regression analysis only age, obesity, smoking and parity were independent predictors for survival. The relative risk of death for elderly and patients, obese smokers, and patients with more than three deliveries was 1.008, 1.159, 1.411 and 2.532, respectively. Hypertension and diabetes seemed to be questionable prognostic factors.

Conclusion: Smokers, patients who had more than three children, body mass index >27, and were older than 73 years had a poorer survival rate.


Vulvar carcinoma; Prognostic factors; Smoking; Obesity; Parity

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J. R. Kouvaris,V. E. Kouloulias,C. D. Loghis,E. J. Balafouta,A. C. Miliadou,L. J. Vlahos. Minor prognostic factors in squamous cell vulvar carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(4);305-308.


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