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Case Reports

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Successful treatment of a persistent mole with myometrial invasion by direct injection of methotrexate

  • W. H. Su1,*,
  • P. H. Wang2
  • S.-P. Chang1

1Department of Obscetrics and Gynecology,·Yee-Zen General Hospical, Tao-Yuan, and National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

2Deparcment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Veterans General Hospital - Taipei and National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200104283 Vol.22,Issue 4,July 2001 pp.283-286

Published: 10 July 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): W. H. Su E-mail:


For patients with persistent or invasive gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), systemic injection of chemotherapy is the treatment of choice if fertility is to be preserved. To prevent serious adverse effects after systemic use and possibly achieve better effects, direct local injection of chemotherapy into the tumor site, especially when in the myometrium, seems a reasonable alternative. A patient with a persistent molar pregnancy with myometrial invasion is presented. A plateau of beta-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level around 550 mIU/mL was noticed for three weeks though systemic methotrexate (MTX) injection and repeat suction curettage had been performed. During the same period, a well-defined invasive complex with multiple vesicles in the myometrium was documented using transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS). Sonar-guided injection to the tumor using 50 mg MTX was performed uneventfully. An obvious shrinkage of the mass and declining beta-hCG level were demonstrated after the procedure. The patient restored her menses after the operation and a fertility evaluation including serial beta-hCG levels and hysterosalpingography showed them to be within the reference ranges. The successful outcome of this case encouraged us to treat localized invasive GTD using direct injection of MTX with the guidance of TVUS. Since no identical cases were found in our review of the English literature, more cases and similar regimens are needed to establish the safety and efficacy of this procedure.


Gestational trophoblastic disease; Ultrasound-guided injection

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W. H. Su,P. H. Wang,S.-P. Chang. Successful treatment of a persistent mole with myometrial invasion by direct injection of methotrexate. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(4);283-286.


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