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Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis infection in women with CIN and invasive carcinoma. Controversial results of different methods

  • J. Markowska1,*,
  • N. Fischer2
  • J.B. Warchol3
  • Z. Fischer2

1Chair of Oncology, Poland

2Departments of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Holy Family Clinic, Poznan, Poland

3Chair of Radiobiology and Biology, Faculty of Medicine, K. Marcinkowski University School of Medicine, Poland

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200102134 Vol.22,Issue 2,March 2001 pp.134-136

Published: 10 March 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): J. Markowska E-mail:


Chlamydia (Ch.) trachomatis infection as a sexually transmitted disease is highly important, but reliable methods of diagnosing it remain to be worked out. We used three methods of detection: an immunoenzymatic technique for detection of Ch. trachomatis antigen in endocervical material, in situ PCR, and enzyme-immuno assay for detection of IgG class anti-Ch. trachomatis antibodies in serum. We have compared the IS-PCR technique and method of detection of the endocervical antigen. We have not confirmed compatibility of the results obtained in these two methods. Parallel positive results obtained in patient serum and detection of chlamydial DNA by IS-PCR have been accepted to be indicative of persistent infection of Ch. Trachomatis.


Ch. Trachomatis; IS-PCR

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J. Markowska,N. Fischer,J.B. Warchol,Z. Fischer. Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis infection in women with CIN and invasive carcinoma. Controversial results of different methods. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(2);134-136.


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