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Side-effects of paclitaxel therapy in ovarian cancer patents

  • 0. Lehoczky1,*,
  • A. Bagameri1
  • J. Udvary1
  • T. Pulay1

1Gynecologic Oncology Department, National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20010181 Vol.22,Issue 1,January 2001 pp.81-84

Published: 10 January 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): 0. Lehoczky E-mail:


Objective: Since premedication with H1, H2 receptor antagonists and steroids fewer side-effects of paclitaxel (PTXL) chemotherapy have been published. The authors summarize the literature and their own experience.

Materials and methods: 23 patients with stage III ovarian cancer were treated with second-line chemotherapy of PTXL and carboplatin (CRB) with the doses of 175 mg/m2, 3 h and AUC 5 mg/ml x min, respectively. The side-effects of treatment are evaluated in a prospective non-randomized study.

Results: Rare toxicity in hemoglobin (G0-15%, G1-62%, G2-12% and G4-4%) and leukocyte levels (G0-35%, G1-25%, G2-29%, G3-11% and G4-0%) were detected. There was no definite change found in platelet count (G0-89.5%, G1-10.5%), and moreover in 15.8% of the patients the controlled platelet count was higher than the normal laboratory range. Liver enzymes, serum creatinine and carbamide levels in each case were within the normal range (G0). One patient complained of severe neuropathy (nervus oculomotorius paresis), and another one developed severe ECG abnormalities

Conclusions: When suitable premedication is applied few side-effects of PTXL therapy are reported.


Paclitaxel; Chemotherapy; Ovarian cancer; Toxicity; Side-effects

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0. Lehoczky,A. Bagameri,J. Udvary,T. Pulay. Side-effects of paclitaxel therapy in ovarian cancer patents. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(1);81-84.


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