Article Type
Special Issue
Primary vaginal melanoma and long-term survivors*
1Northern Gynecological Oncology Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, U.K.
2Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium
*Corresponding Author(s): W.A. Tjalma E-mail:
Vaginal melanoma is a rare and highly malignant disease. This report describes the characteristics and clinical course of all patients treated at one institute (Northern Gynaecological Oncology Centre, UK) over the last 25 years. Of a total of nine patients identified with a primary malignant vaginal melanoma, only one patient survived for more than five years. A literature review revealed only 21 reported cases with a survival greater than five years. The most important factor for survival appears to be the tumour size. Treatment modality varied equally within the group of long-term survivors (27% radical surgery, 27% wide local excision, 27% radiotherapy, 14% wide local excision and radiotherapy, and 5% unknown therapy). The prognosis of patients with primary malignant melanoma is poor, regardless of primary therapy (conservative or radical). Conservative treatment and accurate investigation of every discoloured lesion is recommended.
Vaginal melanoma; Treatment; Prognosis; Size
W.A. Tjalma,J.M. Monaghan,A. de Barros Lopes,R. Naik,A. Nordin. Primary vaginal melanoma and long-term survivors*. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(1);20-22.
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