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Case Reports

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The great imitator: miliary peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking Stage III ovari ovanan carcinoma

  • J.P. Geisler1
  • D. E. Crook1
  • H. E. Geisler1,*,
  • T. J. Cudahay3
  • J. Fraiz4
  • C. P. Bunce4
  • D. K. Moore2
  • K. Kay2

1Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, USA

2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, USA

3Department of Pathology, USA

4Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine, St. Vincent Hospitals and Health Services Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002115 Vol.21,Issue 2,March 2000 pp.115-116

Published: 10 March 2000

*Corresponding Author(s): H. E. Geisler E-mail:


Purpose: To report a case of peritoneal tuberculosis initially mistaken at the time of surgery for metastatic ovarian carcinoma.

Case report: A 31-year-old Filipino female was found to have increasing abdominal pain, ascites, early satiety, increasing abdominal girth and bilateral complex masses. Diagnostic laparoscopy revealed the presence of > 4 liters of ascites, a frozen pelvis secondary to what appeared to be bilateral ovarian carcinomas, along with miliary seeding of the entire anterior abdominal wall, omentum, small bowel and small bowel mesentery, right and left diaphragmatic surfaces, and hepatic surface. Frozen section, at the time of laparotomy, revealed necrotizing granulomas most consistent with disseminated tuberculosis that was confirmed at the time of final pathologic review and culture.

Conclusion: Peritoneal tuberculosis can be mistaken for widely metastatic ovarian carcinoma at time of surgery.


Miliary tuberculosis; Ovarian carcinoma

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J.P. Geisler,D. E. Crook,H. E. Geisler,T. J. Cudahay,J. Fraiz,C. P. Bunce,D. K. Moore,K. Kay. The great imitator: miliary peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking Stage III ovari ovanan carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2000. 21(2);115-116.


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