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Trends in breast cancer incidence in Thrace, Greece: an epidemiological assessment

  • P. G. Anastasiadis1,*,
  • N. G. Koutlaki1
  • P. G. Skaphida1
  • K. E. Avgidou1
  • G. C. Galazios1
  • V. A. Liberis1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Democritus University of Thrace, General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20000176 Vol.21,Issue 1,January 2000 pp.76-80

Published: 10 January 2000

*Corresponding Author(s): P. G. Anastasiadis E-mail:


Purpose: In the present study we describe the epidemiologic characteristics of breast cancer in relation to certain risk factors affecting the two major ethnic groups (Christian Orthodox and Muslims) in the area of Thrace, Greece.

Method: We performed a cross-sectional study of 196 consecutive patients, aged 28-85 years, with breast cancer, who were referred to our clinic for treatment from January 1986 to June 1998. All patients were submitted to clinical, laboratory and mammographic control. Ultrasound examination and aspiration cytology were performed on cystic-like lesions. Epidemiologic characteristics of the patients were abstracted from medical charts. To evaluate the results, we used the direct standardization method (1995 Eur. Population) and chi2 test.

Results: Breast cancer incidence for the two study populations (Christian Orthodox and Muslims) was 20.9 and 2.3/100,000, respectively. We did not notice statistically significant differences in most epidemiologic characteristics between the two subject groups.

Conclusions: Although the cumulative breast cancer incidence in Thrace, Greece is comparatively low, the discrepancy observed in the incidence of Christian Orthodox and Muslims suggests that differences in lifestyle between these two ethnic groups might be determinant factors influencing the prevalence of the disease. The appearance of the disease in a considerable number of young and elderly women, make the extension of modern screening methods in the above-mentioned age groups necessary for the improvement of breast cancer prevention and incidence rates.


Breast cancer incidence; Christian Orthodox; Muslims

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P. G. Anastasiadis,N. G. Koutlaki,P. G. Skaphida,K. E. Avgidou,G. C. Galazios,V. A. Liberis. Trends in breast cancer incidence in Thrace, Greece: an epidemiological assessment. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2000. 21(1);76-80.


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