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Use of the ultrasound surgical aspirator in ovarian cancer: a case-control study

  • M. B. Sert1,*,
  • F. M. Abbas2
  • J. L. Currie3
  • M. L. Zahyrak4
  • N. B. Rosenshein5

1Central Hospital in Rcwaland, Gyne. Dept., Stavanger, Norway

2Sinai Hospital, Division of Gyne-Oncolofy, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

3Division of Gyne-Oncology, Dartmouth Medical School & Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Ctr., Lebanon, NH, USA

4Department ri Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mercy Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Mw-yland, USA

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20000124 Vol.21,Issue 1,January 2000 pp.24-27

Published: 10 January 2000

*Corresponding Author(s): M. B. Sert E-mail:


Background: This study was undertaken to evaluate the use of the ultrasound surgical aspirator in ovarian cancer and to determine if cytoreduction was improved with its use.

Methods: The study is a retrospective case control trial. Twenty-six consecutive ovarian cancer patients who had the ultrasound surgical aspirator used during their surgery were retrospectively compared to 25 consecutive ovarian cancer patients who did not have the ultrasound surgical aspirator used during their surgeries. The latter group had their surgeries immediately before the ultrasound surgical aspirator was introduced into the hospital. Both groups were similar in age, stage, histology type, grade, and median number of chemotherapy cycles.

Results: Patients that had the ultrasound surgical aspirator used had a 69% optimal cytoreduction rate compared to 16% in the control group (p = .001). This was statistically significant (p = 0.001). Survival time was equal in both groups.

Conclusions: Results of the study showed that use of the ultrasound surgical aspirator may permit more patients to be optimally cytoreduced.


Ultrasound surgical aspirator; Cytoreduction

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M. B. Sert,F. M. Abbas,J. L. Currie,M. L. Zahyrak,N. B. Rosenshein. Use of the ultrasound surgical aspirator in ovarian cancer: a case-control study. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2000. 21(1);24-27.


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