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Development, characterization and distribution of adoptively transferred peripheral blood lymphocytes primed by human papillomavirus 18 E7 - Pulsed autologous dendritic cells in a patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix

  • A. D. Santin1,5,*,
  • P. L. Hermonat1
  • A. Ravaggi5
  • S. Bellone5
  • C. Cowan2
  • S. Korourian3
  • S. Pecorelli5
  • M. J. Cannon4
  • G. P. Parham1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR, USA

2Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR, USA

3Department of Pathology, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR, USA

4Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR, USA

5Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20000117 Vol.21,Issue 1,January 2000 pp.17-23

Published: 10 January 2000

*Corresponding Author(s): A. D. Santin E-mail:


We describe a 27-year-old woman with systemic chemoresistant and radioresistant metastatic disease secondary to a recurrence of human papillomavirus (HPV) 18 infected cervical adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix who received adoptive transfer of peripheral blood T cells stimulated with HPV 18 E7-pulsed autologous dendritic cells (DC). Extensive in vitro characterization of the DC-activated T cells derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) included phenotypic analysis, cytotoxicity and intracellular cytokine production. High cytotoxicity activity was observed by CD8+T cells against autologous tumor cells, but not against NK-sensitive K562 cells, autologous Con-A lymphoblasts, or autologous Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cells. Blocking studies demonstrated that lytic activity was significantly inhibited by pretreatment of tumor targets with MAb specific for HLA class I as well as that of effector cells with anti-CD8, anti-LFA-1, but not anti CD3 MAb. Two-color flow cytometric analysis of the cytotoxic T cells revealed that a significant proportion of CD8+ cells was also CD56+. These double positive CTLs were thymically derived, as shown by expression of heterodimeric CD8 molecules (alpha/beta CD8) and were endowed with high cytotoxic activity against tumor cells. Analysis of intracellular cytokine expression showed that the striking majority of E7-pulsed DC activated CD8+ T cells strongly expressed IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-2 but not IL-4. The patient received two infusions of cytotoxic tumor-specific T cells at 2 week intervals, and in vivo distribution of the T cells was followed by 111 oxine labeling and serial gamma camera imaging. Persistent accumulation of radioactivity in the lungs, which harbored extensive metastatic disease, was detected up to 120 hrs after the infusion. Taken together, these results illustrate the potential of E7-specific and tumor-specific CTL-based immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with invasive cervical cancer.


Cervical cancer; HPV; CTLs; Dentritic cells; Adoptive immunotherapy

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A. D. Santin,P. L. Hermonat,A. Ravaggi,S. Bellone,C. Cowan,S. Korourian,S. Pecorelli,M. J. Cannon,G. P. Parham. Development, characterization and distribution of adoptively transferred peripheral blood lymphocytes primed by human papillomavirus 18 E7 - Pulsed autologous dendritic cells in a patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2000. 21(1);17-23.


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